Create A New Tutorial

Use the form below to publish a new tutorial to Zip Tutorials. Every tutorial needs a name and at least one step. Add additional steps by clicking the Add Another Step button, or click on Finish to save your tutorial.

It looks like you're not logged in. If you create a free account or login you'll be able to edit your tutorial after you publish it.

Basic Tutorial Information:

Give your tutorial a helpful title, like How to Change a Tire or How To Install Linux.

Choose how this tutorial will appear on the site:

  • Public: The tutorial is public and can show up in the latest and featured tutorials.
  • Private: The tutorial won't show up in the latest or featured tutorials. Anyone with the URL of the tutorial can access it.
  • Password Protected: The tutorial won't show up in the latest or featured tutorials. Users will need a password to access the tutorial.
Terms of Service:
Add Step 1:

Add a step to your tutorial using the form fields below. You can also add an image for each step. When you've added a step, click on Add Another Step to save your progress and continue adding steps or click Finish to save your tutorial.

Hint: Don't include the number of this step in the title, since that will be added automatically.